Pastor John Murray is a well-seasoned veteran of youth ministry with over 30 years experience in the trenches.  He is a solid teacher of the word, with a prophetic drive in his messages.  P.J. has a Joshua anointing, having his spiritual roots in the last great Move of God, and being focused on bringing the current generation of young people into the fullness of moving in the Spirit and fulfilling God's call on their lives.  Beyond being a Youth Pastor, P.J. has directed youth retreats and outreaches throughout the Northeast US including inner city outreaches in the New York City area.  P.J. is a conference speaker, trainer, and a Pastor to Youth Pastors and other youth workers.

Pastor John is available to come to your group or event.  For more information, click here to send him an email.

Welcome to
P. J.'s Place

Pastor John Murray is a well-seasoned veteran of youth ministry with over 30 years experience in the trenches.  He is a solid teacher of the word, with a prophetic drive in his messages.  P.J. has a Joshua anointing, having his spiritual roots in the last great Move of God, and being focused on bringing the current generation of young people into the fullness of moving in the Spirit and fulfilling God's call on their lives.  Beyond being a Youth Pastor, P.J. has directed youth retreats and outreaches throughout the Northeast US including inner city outreaches in the New York City area.  P.J. is a conference speaker, trainer, and a Pastor to Youth Pastors and other youth workers.

Pastor John is available to come to your group or event.  For more information, click here to send him an email.

"Pastor John Ministering in Johnstown, NY"
(Ok, artistically enhanced photo)
Youth Ministry

Youth Conference Fonda